
Last Update 27/12/06

**                                                                       **
**                             I-Mutant v2.0                             **
**         Predictor of Protein Stability Changes upon Mutations         **
**                                                                       **

      SEQ File: fileseq.txt

      Position   WT  NEW     DDG    pH    T
           243    G    V   -0.50   7.0   25
           243    G    L   -1.05   7.0   25
           243    G    I   -0.34   7.0   25
           243    G    M   -0.76   7.0   25
           243    G    F   -0.76   7.0   25
           243    G    W   -1.01   7.0   25
           243    G    Y   -1.24   7.0   25
           243    G    A   -0.84   7.0   25
           243    G    P   -1.05   7.0   25
           243    G    S   -1.00   7.0   25
           243    G    T   -1.51   7.0   25
           243    G    C   -1.28   7.0   25
           243    G    H   -1.79   7.0   25
           243    G    R   -1.14   7.0   25
           243    G    K   -1.65   7.0   25
           243    G    Q   -0.84   7.0   25
           243    G    E    0.13   7.0   25
           243    G    N   -1.35   7.0   25
           243    G    D   -1.31   7.0   25

      WT:  Aminoacid in Wild-Type Protein
      NEW: New Aminoacid after Mutation
      DDG: DG(NewProtein)-DG(WildType) in Kcal/mol
             DDG<0: Decrease Stability
             DDG>0: Increase Stability
      T:   Temperature in Celsius degrees
      pH:  -log[H+]

*                                                                         *
* Capriotti E, Fariselli P and Casadio R (2005). I-Mutant2.0: predicting  *
* stability changes upon mutation from the protein sequence or structure. *
* Nucl. Acids Res. 33: W306-W310.                                         *
* http://gpcr.biocomp.unibo.it/cgi/predictors/I-Mutant2.0/I-Mutant2.0.cgi *
*                                                                         *